Keeping up on the latest headlines is a key component of a knowledgeable PR pro. It helps you stay current on what is happening in the industries you are working in, but it can also present opportunities to insert clients into trending conversations. Typically, company and product news don’t drive large news cycles, but pitching…

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When it comes to discussing my generation, I don’t normally hear much praise for millennials. Other generations view us as lazy, entitled and expecting overwhelming amounts of praise. And in some aspects I understand that we as a generation aren’t the best. We literally don’t understand the definition of the word “literally.” One of our…

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With $237.5 million raised for health-software startups in the first quarter of 2014 alone, this industry segment is on fire.  This, coupled with explosive interest in the post-Affordable Care Act world, means the media has an insatiable appetite for new voices and fresh ideas. That’s why we’re having so much fun right now connecting our…

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Throughout my career I have been fortunate to work with companies spanning numerous industries and at various stages of growth, from start-ups to global, publicly-traded companies. Each of these stages of maturity has necessitated different types of PR representations. Early-stage companies seeking investment or acquisition tend to require strong focus on brand recognition and thought…

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