Who are you, and who are they? Just 50 years ago, you personally knew your banker, your employer, your grocer – and they knew you. But since then there has been an explosion of intelligent devices that have pushed these interactions into the digital world. Today, you are asked to trust that the person on the other side of an email, a login, a transaction or a phone call is who they say they are – and that trust is easy to abuse or neglect.

Whether you’re a technician dealing with alert overload, a CEO who’s accountable to shareholders after a catastrophic breach or a consumer who just had your account compromised, cybersecurity is top of mind. It’s the story of the decade. And with cybersecurity spending predicted to exceed $1 trillion over the next five years, it will be the story of the next decade too.

It’s hard to keep pace with the frequency and scale of breaches. We are more vulnerable than ever to deepfakes, disinformation, fraud and hackers. No one is immune to these cyber threats. Nation-states are both targets and hackers themselves. At the same time, governments are trying to curb the impacts through sweeping privacy and security legislation such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

At RH Strategic, we work with some of the biggest names in cybersecurity to pitch and track legislation, educate the public on cyber issues, and shape nationwide conversations about cybersecurity and data privacy. We’re engaging reporters, analysts, opinion leaders, investors and lawmakers. Our clients are challenging the conventions of security and setting a new vision for a safer, more secure world – and we make sure the world knows it.

Cybersecurity Case Studies

Safeguarding Our Elections

What do antivirus software and election security have in common? Prior to 2018, most people would’ve said, “Nothing.” RH Strategic helped change that. Our client, an industry leader in virus protection, leveraged decades of security experience to develop a free election security offering for the 2018 U.S. midterms.

While developing the campaign, RH keyed in on the fact that media coverage on election security rarely offered solutions or cited technical sources. Beginning in January 2018, we worked to brand our client as a thought leader and technical resource, raise awareness of the free election security offering for state election boards, and shape public policy on cybersecurity with the client’s message.

Over the course of 2018, the campaign earned 32 media hits, placing bylines and op-eds in outlets such as The Washington Post, Bloomberg and Axios. By securing meetings with 10 top cybersecurity reporters and policymakers, RH was able to further establish the client as an industry leader and election security expert. As a result, the company has been viewed as a thought leader leading up to the 2018 midterm elections and the upcoming 2020 presidential election.

Capturing Attention with a Cybersecurity IPO

An IPO is more than just a milestone. It’s a turning point. A successful IPO can support growth, open new revenue streams and create jobs within the community. A poor showing, on the other hand, can forever damage a company’s trajectory and public perception.

When a Maryland-based cybersecurity firm raised $250 million in its IPO and earned a $2.7 billion valuation, RH raised awareness of the success with a comprehensive media outreach strategy over the course of several weeks. In addition to putting out a press release and leveraging extensive media relations strategies, RH conducted outreach to local Maryland officials and stakeholders to position the client as a leader in Maryland’s tech industry and a creator of local jobs.

RH secured 20 earned media placements and syndications, including high-profile headlines in The Hill, Axios, Baltimore Business Journal, The Baltimore Sun and Maryland Daily Record. RH’s targeted stakeholder strategy resulted in engagement from the Maryland Department of Commerce and Maryland Governor Larry Hogan.

Sample Media Coverage

Relevant Cybersecurity Blogs

Contact Us for More Information

    In order to provide you with a custom PR program that plugs into your current marketing strategy and drives results in the cybersecurity industry, we need to understand your challenges and business objectives. Please fill out this form so we may contact you and provide an assessment.