Nobody loves a good David and Goliath story more than we do, so when software communications company Twisted Pair Solutions asked for our help taking on a communications giant in the war for customers, we got out our PR slingshots and went to work.
We quickly realized Twisted Pair’s application for communicating via broadband, anywhere, on any device, was much more versatile and less bulky and expensive than the incumbent’s radio handsets dominating the mobile communications market. We also knew publicizing a “new technology vs. old,” “can’t stop progress” battle would win Twisted Pair the brand recognition it deserved.
Our strategy was to communicate the new technology’s advantages to a variety of industries, customizing that core message and tying it to each sector’s hottest trend. We first placed bylined articles in a variety of defense industry publications, including Army and Network World. We moved next to the public safety sector, winning a bylined feature in Law and Order magazine, then to the transportation, construction, hospitality and utilities industries. We also secured speaking engagements for Twisted Pair experts at key industry conferences. A piece in Forbes capped off our brand-building campaign.
But by far the biggest win for our client came early in 2014: Motorola Solutions bought Twisted Pair Solutions for an undisclosed, presumably very large sum. So while David didn’t exactly slay Goliath, he did convince the big guy to pay him a lot of money for his slingshot.