In times of industry consolidation, the messaging surrounding products, services and brand can make all the difference in how companies navigate those shifts and emerge stronger.

Predicting a series of mergers and acquisitions that leads to a serious market shift is not a perfect science, but there are often signs.

  • Market saturation is one of the first. When growth slows down, companies may seek acquisitions to expand their market share.
  • Rapid technological advancements can prompt consolidation as companies acquire innovative startups to stay competitive.
  • New Regulations can create barriers for smaller players, leading to acquisitions by larger, more compliant firms.
  • Economic Downturn creates financial pressures that can drive struggling companies to merge with or seek acquisition by more stable firms. Any form of increased competition can force companies to consolidate to strengthen their market positions.

In the past few years there have been market-conscious shifts in edtech, cloud services, semiconductors, fintech and telehealth. Companies across all sectors can take lessons from these shifts and effectively leverage strategic PR to weather economic contractions while bolstering the efficacy and enduring relevance of their offerings. Whether your team is in-house or you work with an agency, here are some ideas—straight from the toolkit of PR professionals—to guide your efforts.

These approaches lay a solid foundation, but they’re far from exhaustive in terms of how effective messaging can truly help tech companies thrive in a competitive landscape. Market consolidation, mergers, acquisitions and other shifts present both challenges and opportunities for tech companies. By harnessing the power of strategic PR, companies can embrace flux, keeping pace with—and getting ahead of—a changing market.

Articulate a Long-Term Vision

During market contractions, articulating a compelling long-term vision is more important than ever. Stakeholders are more likely to remain committed if they believe in the company’s future direction and customers are more likely to stay loyal. A clear vision can also attract skilled professionals who are passionate about contributing to meaningful work, fostering innovation and collaboration within the organization. Company leaders should regularly communicate their vision through speeches, internal memos and public statements. Organizations should also create and share a strategic roadmap that outlines the steps and milestones needed to achieve that long-term vision—factoring in where media, marketing and communications will support its actualization. This should feature both short-term and medium-term goals to show progress and build confidence. Back to top.

Identify and Address Pain Points

In any moment of flux, it’s crucial to reevaluate what consumers are looking for, what providers are offering, and how best to publicize your solutions. PR teams, with their broad industry knowledge, can pinpoint challenges faced while streamlining operations. By highlighting leading solutions and setting up platforms for customer feedback, companies can stay at the forefront of public opinion. Organizations may consider conducting a thorough SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis to identify internal and external factors affecting operations. From there, they can align those findings with the results of organized focus groups or consistent market research with diverse consumer segments to deduce qualitative insights on how needs and expectations are changing. Back to top.

Embrace Transparency and Clarity

During consolidation, uncertainty looms. Customers, investors, and stakeholders seek reassurance about how changes will impact services, products and staffing. By embracing transparency in messaging and media interactions, companies can build trust and even gain media coverage. Clear communication about compliance, data protection, and service reliability can set solutions apart and instill confidence in stakeholders. Organizations can benefit from conducting media briefings and issuing clear, concise statements to ensure accurate reporting and to manage the narrative around the consolidation. Outlining any changes to services, products and staffing, including the reasons behind these changes, can help demonstrate how they will ultimately benefit stakeholders in the long term. Back to top.

Focus on Differentiation

In a landscape where competitors merge and offerings converge, differentiation is key. Articulate what sets your company apart and why customers should choose your products or services. Highlight key differentiators, such as cost savings and unique features, and communicate these benefits clearly. This could come in the form of new product press releases, amplified case studies or well-placed bylined articles articulating a vision for the industry’s future direction. By demonstrating outcomes and mindsets that set your company apart, you can effectively showcase the value of your offerings. Back to top.

Amplify Thought Leadership and Humanize the Brand

Harness storytelling to humanize your brand and relate to audiences. Share real-life examples and customer testimonials to establish and maintain relationships with journalists, bloggers and influencers. Developing a strong, media-trained spokesperson bench in advance is paramount—executive team members should feel confident not only detailing their company’s current focuses and efforts, but also staking a claim for what industry trends should grow and change in the coming months and years to best serve stakeholders and the industry at large. Strategic thought leadership programs can enhance marketing visibility and generate business leads, supporting sales teams and prospecting efforts. Back to top.

Adapt and Innovate

In a rapidly evolving landscape, adaptation is synonymous with survival. Emphasize the flexibility and adaptability of your offerings in your messaging. Show how your solutions can be customized to meet individual needs, highlighting continuous improvement and responsiveness to market demands. Companies can consider using dynamic content in their marketing materials that can be personalized for different audience segments. This shows that your messaging is as flexible as your offerings. Additionally, organizations can provide interactive product demos that allow potential customers to see how they can customize and adapt offerings to their specific needs. Similarly, executives can participate in industry events, conferences and webinars where they are able to showcase their adaptable solutions and discuss how their company responds to market changes. Back to top.

Lean on Your PR Team

PR teams play a pivotal role in crafting messaging that addresses concerns while highlighting the benefits of consolidation. They can help create compelling narratives that showcase your unique value proposition and demonstrate how your solutions address specific needs and deliver tangible benefits. By fostering open dialogue and actively listening to feedback, companies can build stronger relationships and ease concerns despite market uncertainty. Back to top.


RH Strategic is a Seattle and D.C.-based PR agency with a nationwide presence and additional global reach via membership in the Worldcom Public Relations Group. We provide strategic public relations for innovators in the technology, government, healthcare, and social and environmental impact markets.