The revelation that the same background-checking firm vetted National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden and Washington Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis has made me think about the importance of support and trust in a process.  Trusting a team, and each individual member, to do the right thing without much supervision is something that most employees…

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It’s hard to imagine that the leaks of PRISM and other national security programs could have a silver lining for the Obama Administration, but there just might be one in terms of public relations. The exposure of PRISM and the Administration’s reactions to the leaks have at least taken some attention away from the IRS…

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If there’s one thing that really grabs the attention of reporters and readers alike, it has to be data. Facts, figures and stats can really back up a story, add perspective to the market and demonstrate thought leadership for your organization. And one of the hottest trends with data right now is presenting it visually….

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Sometimes there are news events that can shake an entire nation. As a bi-coastal PR agency, RH is always ready to position a client or develop a statement on breaking news at a moment’s notice across four time zones. Because of the significant variability of our work, we have learned that it is best to…

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