The RH offices are a great place to work. The environment is open, quiet, relaxed and encourages productivity and the people are positive, helpful and encouraging. This allows the RH staff to collaborate and work hard to meet and, often, exceed the expectations of our clients. But public relations and marketing can be demanding and unpredictable jobs that sometimes tie us to the phone and computer all day. In fact, PR is regularly rated as one of the most stressful jobs. But the RH team continues to work hard and, typically, with a smile on our faces.

How Do We Do It?
RH Strategic has seen the research and understands that when you have healthy and active employees, they will be more productive and work harder for the company. The RH team is an active bunch – some of us play tennis while others are regulars at the gym and yoga studios. It is easy to find something to keep you busy and active after the workday, but what about those nine plus hours spent at your desk? I reached out to my team members to find out how they stay healthy and happy while working in a high-stress environment.
- Bring your lunch and snacks: This ensures you’ll have healthy food options to keep you fueled all day, even if you can’t leave your desk. This also eliminates temptations from the bakeries and ice cream shops that we have downstairs.
- Drink water: You may not drink the recommended eight glasses of water a day, but by staying hydrated you allow your body to function correctly, which allows your brain to focus on the things you need it to. Water provides not only a health benefit, but it also gives you a chance to take a break. Getting up, stretching and going to refill your water bottle allows you to step out of the trance of the computer screen and gives your eyes and brain a chance to rest.
- Take a walk: Walks will break-up your day to give you an opportunity to clear your mind by stepping outside and enjoying the sun and change of scenery. Whether it is a quick walk around the block or a lunch-time adventure, getting up and moving will help you be more focused when you get back to the office.
- Set goals: Everyone needs motivation to get through tasks and by having a goal it helps you guide your way to success. It can be something as simple as eating away from your desk three times a week or taking 10,000 steps a day. By setting these goals you have something to work for and achieve.
- Take the stairs: Our Seattle office is on the third floor and our DC office is on the eleventh floor. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator in the morning gets your blood pumping and heart rate up, giving you energy for the day to come and provides a bit of stress relief at the end of the day.
Support Staff
Each RH team member is not in it alone either; the company encourages us to stay healthy by doing things like providing each team member a Fit Bit One and sponsoring friendly activity challenges. The team now has a little reminder to go stay active and earn those steps, while also creating a little competition between coworkers, which never hurts.
Physical health is just part of staying healthy, one’s mental health is equally important. By doing team outings, like the Seattle office’s “Sammy Expeditions,” or providing the flexibility of telecommuting, we can maintain a balanced life. RH Strategic is a multi-dimensional firm with talented people creating incredible results, and if we didn’t work so hard at staying happy and healthy we couldn’t work so hard for our clients.