The latest trend in stock-picking? Watching the TV series “Undercover Boss.” According to research by the Wall Street Journal, the share prices of all but one of the companies featured on the show have outperformed the rise in the S&P 500.
“Senior management has been coming under fire throughout this downturn, so to show management in a more favorable light, to show they have an interest to see what’s going on in the front lines of their business and show they’re not bigger than the rest of us, there’s got to be a popular sentiment around that,” said one of the analysts sought for comment on the findings.
Many companies, public and private, struggle with outsider perceptions – often misperceptions – of management’s approach and strategy. Sometimes a little public relations and media limelight can go a long way to turning that around.
Teasers began running on CBS last week for the next episode, featuring 1-800-FLOWERS. Check out the chart.