Government IT managers today have to do more with less. For even as cloud computing and “government 2.0” initiatives are supposed to save taxpayer dollars, continuing security threats and ballooning government programs are straining agency IT budgets just the same.
Pressures like these mean many agencies are paring private-sector contractors to a strategic few. In such an environment competition for government contracts is even greater, and the need for contractors to communicate a clear message even more important.
The value of PR and marketing in the government market gets overlooked. There is nothing worse than a government contractor with a great solution that is buried beneath unintelligible jargon or misdirected communication efforts.
To break through the clutter and reach those valuable government contracts, you need to understand the three main audiences that will tip the scale in your favor.
- CIOs: They want a view of the broad IT landscape – the trends, where cost savings can be found, and how to do more with less.
- Program Managers: People with direct responsibility want to know how your IT will help them reach goals and manage their work more effectively.
- Congressional Staff Members: Generalists on Capitol Hill need everything the other two do so they can understand how IT will benefit their constituencies, and in the plainest language you can muster.
So: Identify which audience will care most about your solution and pair that understanding with the right message. Do that and you will be able to set yourself apart from the competition.
As a PR firm in Washington, D.C. and Seattle, RH Strategic has worked in the government market for years and understands the changing landscape for federal IT managers and government contractors. Today we help our clients reach this specialized audience, developing strategic PR campaigns that drive real results. Learn more about our PR solutions.