BP’s PR problem isn’t a PR problem… it’s an unstoppable gushing well problem. However that hasn’t stopped some crisis PR “experts” from rushing to the media to offer their opinions on what BP should be doing differently to enhance its image. Hey, it’s good exposure for the PR experts, I’ll give them that. But frankly,…

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The books are closed on 2009, and the various account teams at RH Strategic have been busy working with clients on their 2010 PR and marketing plans.  Here are some tactics we are recommending to clients and anyone else who wants to compete more aggressively for business in the healthcare, government, and technology markets this…

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The first debates revealed a huge gulf between the candidates’ messaging styles. While McCain is deeply savvy on policy nuances and could entertain any audience of policy wonks for hours, Obama cuts through the white noise and reaches right to the individual voter’s pocketbook. Look at each candidate’s response to the moderator’s question about what…

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