For public relations practitioners, it doesn’t take long to figure out that the community of PR pros around us is actually quite small.
One great thing about our PR community in Seattle is, if you work for it, you can really have your pick of work environment. Many companies call Seattle home and staff public relations departments from the inside – but if that’s not for you, Seattle is lined with public relations agencies of all sizes equipped to support those companies’ missions and innovations.
Finding the right environment for you sometimes requires trial and error and mostly some moving around in our small PR community. For example, I have found I work better and enjoy the clients that come with working at a smaller, boutique PR agency. If you’re interested in experiencing how PR life is different in a small agency, my friends at RH Strategic and I encourage you to check out our current job openings.
Or… Take this short quiz to determine if RH Strategic might be the right fit for you!
1. Do you work best in environments where collaboration is all inclusive, meaning everyone from CEOs to AAEs are engaged in client strategy?

2. Do you want to have a meaningful impact and visible role on your accounts?

3. Do you get excited representing companies that are busy making their mark on the future of technology, our economy and society in industries such as security, government, healthcare and education?
4. Are you looking to learn and execute on new PR skills in a PR agency?
5. Do you love the payoff of working hard for your clients (i.e. work hard, play hard)?
6. Do you thrive in a growing PR community? Read about our recent expansion.
7. Do you root for the Seattle Seahawks?
Did you answer ‘yes’ to all of these? If so, we encourage you to show your PR agency chops and apply!
Leave a comment below, or tweet us at @RHStrategic with the hashtag #RHetoricBlog.
RH Strategic is a Seattle and D.C.-based communications firm providing strategic public relations for innovators in the technology, public sector, and healthcare markets.