As PR and public affairs specialists, we know tech clients will be asking our advice on how to navigate a potentially new administration and a Congress that remains split between Democrats and Republicans. From our point of view, there’s no one overall effect on tech policy. We think it will differ issue by issue. Here’s…

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Tech’s Dilemma

Today’s tech companies face a dilemma. Buried underneath headlines about the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 presidential election, and recent social justice movements are stories that point to a massive change in public perception of tech companies — and not a favorable one. In 2021 we will see the blunt force of government and public opinion…

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When schools closed in spring, our education industry clients quickly took action to provide digital learning access, help teachers get online and address disparities exacerbated by COVID-19 through partnership. Months later, schools are still online, and the country is grappling with how to handle the 2020-21 school year virtually — and how to solve some…

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Technological progress is accelerating at a faster pace than ever before, and nowhere is that clearer than in the enterprise technology space. From artificial intelligence (AI) to edge computing, advanced technologies are transforming enterprise businesses across all industries. Enterprise technologies are enabling greater operational efficiencies and the creation of new business models. They are also…

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Contemplating the future is embedded in RH Strategic’s DNA. Like you, we geek out about what’s possible and seek out what’s next on the disruption agenda. As storytellers, we see the innovation of the last few decades as only a prelude to an epic global transformation story that will play out over a century or…

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From healthcare to manufacturing to transportation, the Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing every industry and every aspect of business. Companies attempting to disrupt the status quo are increasingly looking to IoT to streamline operations, create efficiencies and complete their digital transformations. A few months ago, we wrote about five IoT trends that stand poised…

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We are surrounded by data. From our wearable fitness trackers to smart speakers to home security applications, the Internet of Things (IoT) is impacting our everyday lives at home, at work and in between. Our team recently attended a number of industry events, including the GeekWire Cloud Summit and Cambia Grove’s annual Interoperability Summit, that…

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We live in an era of deepfakes, AI and proliferating social media use. We no longer rely solely on print newspapers and magazines to stay informed. A simple “BREAKING” tweet has the power to instantly change the course of an evolving narrative, tank stocks and trigger a spiral of false information. How did we get…

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Every decade, the opportunity for technology to dramatically impact society manifests itself in a new way. In the 1980s, the personal computer democratized access to productivity enhancing tools like WordPerfect and Lotus 1-2-3. The 1990s saw the advent of the internet – first with AOL and Prodigy, then Netscape – and suddenly we were all…

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If there’s one thing the RH Strategic team loves, it’s working with innovators and disruptors that aim to change the market they operate in for the better. Historically, sleep has been misunderstood and its importance underestimated. This was complicated by the inability to properly measure this key component that is vital to our health. These…

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2019 is the year of the robot. It’s also the year of AI, automation, algorithms, and pretty much any technology that claims to replace human effort or vastly improve upon it. Despite the promise, technology will never replace the empathy, imagination and life experience of a human. As marketers and communicators, we must prepare for…

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Dear D.C., brace for the arrival of 25,000 Amazonians. For over a year, Amazon dominated news cycles for what could have been an internal corporate discussion. The company accepted 238 proposals from cities vying to be the home of “HQ2,” and four months later narrowed the pile of proposals down to 20 cities. In an…

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