Reporters, editors and others use the AP Stylebook as a guide for grammar, punctuation, principles and practices of reporting – which is why it is important as PR professionals to keep aligned with it. Not only does AP style give us consistency in all our writing, it also lets us connect with media by speaking…

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Media interviews present a golden opportunity for a CEO or spokesperson to get their company’s positive message out there. This is the primary reason people talk to the media, other than to control a crisis. If done correctly, a well-trained spokesperson can navigate even the most challenging questions. The old adage “practice makes perfect” rings…

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We’ve spoken about the power of “newsjacking”: inserting our clients’ voices into relevant breaking news cycles, such as the latest technology developments in driverless cars (client: BoldIQ) or the alarming trends in school-based violence (client: Haystax Technology). Newsjacking can be a highly effective method for elevating a company’s profile and demonstrating expertise on a specific…

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In the final part of RH Strategic’s series on LinkedIn, we examine the time and effort needed to successfully leverage LinkedIn as part of your strategic communications plan. Become a LinkedIn Regular and Shake Some Digital Hands Like all forms of social media, LinkedIn requires a strong commitment in order to be successful. Networking and…

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