Are you a public relations professional? Are you looking for terrific opportunities to work in a hands-on environment and generate meaningful results for innovative companies in technology, healthcare, and government? If so, I may have a job for you. RH Strategic is looking to hire an account executive, senior account executive, and account supervisor. We…
Just about everybody would like to see themselves or their business featured on NBC Nightly News, CNN, or the Bloomberg Network. But how do you get the attention of producers looking for new topics? To give your business exposure with millions of TV news viewers, you have to think hard about the needs of the…
In recent weeks I’ve seen a number of news articles that highlight some of the tectonic shifts taking place in healthcare. For instance, this piece – written by David Ignatius of the Washington Post – underscores the notion that regardless of what happens to “Obamacare,” cost pressures will force healthcare providers to consolidate; deliver care…
Surfing, anyone? A bunch of hopeful entrepreneurs – all dreaming of becoming the next Instagram, no doubt – are certainly up for it. They’re all participants in the new SURF Incubator, which officially opens in just a few days. What is SURF Incubator? Founded by serial entrepreneur (and, of course, surfing fanatic) Seaton Gras, it’s…
As the planet’s most successful retailer, Amazon often is in the news. But recently the company spent several days on the front pages of the Seattle Times, and not always in the most flattering light. Over the course of a four-part series, the paper gave Amazon a mild chiding for issues such as working conditions…
If the fourth quarter of 2011 was any indication of the economy, things are looking up for 2012. I am happy to report an expansion of staff in our Washington, D.C. office, with the recent hires of Will Rodger and Lianna Catino. John spoke of Lianna in a recent post, so I will not revisit…
The demise of Google Health is more proof that the health IT hype is no longer en vogue. The hype cycle is ebbing and a tide of real money is starting to wash into the sector. The press is hungry for IT implementation stories (as opposed to ‘idea stories’ about the promises of IT adoption).
For a PR firm, the hardest mission is helping clients simplify their messages. The USDA’s “MyPlate“, which replaces the maddeningly complex and therefore uselsess food pyramid, is a brilliant example of successful message simplification. A food nutrition purist can find many faults with the MyPlate – it’s too simple, it leaves out all of the…
Geoffrey Moore’s “How can it be that I am so powerful as a consumer and so lame as an employee?” becomes “How can it be that I am so powerful as an information gatherer and so lame as an information distributor?”
One cannot help but appreciate innovation’s role in an emergence from a deep recession, but President Obama and China and others have kicked this theme into high gear for 2011. What does this mean for the technology industry, and for those of us who are in the business of developing public relations campaigns to support…
Tools for public relations professionals are few and far between; we often are left at the mercy of our creative right brain to pull off some of the most comprehensive PR stunts possible. However, we all have one tool – technology – at our fingertips; literally, many of us sit at computers all day. I…
A look at the media outlets we persuaded to pay attention to our clients and cover them in 2010…