In a crisis, all eyes tend to turn to the CEO. What will they say? What will they do? How will they steer the company out of this situation? When a crisis hits, many CEOs ask themselves the same questions. To help other CEOs and their teams navigate these critical situations, I sat down with…
Let’s face it: PR is a fast-paced, often stressful industry. When the expectation is that you’re always on, how do you make the time and mental space for relaxation, self-care, and healthy habits? As PR practitioners, we know how hard this can be, so we wanted to share some advice and mental health tips from…
Debates surrounding improving our nation’s infrastructure have been at the forefront of news cycles since the beginning of summer. With over $1 trillion dollars in investment opportunities on the table, there has been significant opportunity to advance policy priorities and influence the future — if organizations act strategically. The potential passage of the Infrastructure Investment…
Everything’s online now — even finance. During the pandemic, businesses around the world had to switch to a digital-first model, and that’s especially true of the financial services industry. With that shift came the question: how to scale up services while ensuring the highest levels of cybersecurity? Our PR pros have been working in cybersecurity…
Considering putting out an RFP? Stop and read this blog first. It could save you a lot of hassle. Over the years, countless dollars and hours have been spent conducting searches for PR firms with an RFP. We think there’s a better way: the Request for Information (RFI). The Difference Between an RFP and an…
Time-consuming, painstaking, laborious — these words all describe the PR agency RFP process. This process is always resource-intensive and only sometimes achieves the desired results. So, what can you do to alleviate the burden and get better results? Before you commit to a lengthy RFP process for selecting a PR firm, you should first know…
Everybody wants PR, but what does it really mean to have a PR firm on retainer? Unless you have only a short-term need, such as handling an unexpected crisis, a PR and communications firm will be a long-term strategic partner and integrate closely with your marketing and leadership teams. If you want the most out…
For many, having a PR firm on retainer is a signifier of being established as a company. But not every organization needs a PR firm or is ready to invest in PR. So, how do you know when you need PR? Here are some situations that indicate you may be ready. Time-sensitive Situations A crisis…
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the healthcare system has undergone a seismic shift, resulting in massive PR disasters but also tremendous successes. However, the record-breaking rollout of effective vaccines has been tempered by corporate blunders and a lack of transparency on COVID-19 infection rates. What can communicators learn from the mistakes and successes of the past…
We all know that COVID-19 has shaken up the healthcare industry and forced us to rethink care today, but did you know that this includes mergers and acquisitions (M&As)? There have been several major M&As across the industry in recent years that could mark an important shift in healthcare PR. 2021 Has Already Been a…
Over the past year, our healthcare PR pros have noted an important shift in public interest in healthcare narratives. Before, highly technical or specialized news was primarily found in trade outlets with an industry audience. Today, they’re everywhere, from the evening news to the front pages of national newspapers. What used to be considered niche…
In the midst of a global pandemic and sometimes fraught vaccine rollout, our responsibility as PR and communications professionals is clear. We must apply an equity lens to every narrative we develop and intentionally ensure our stories are reaching all patients. At RH Strategic, we have the opportunity to work with companies breaking down barriers…