Public relations is a big industry.  As such, it has its fair share of cringe-worthy moments.  Like the one last week, when a PR rep contacted reporters and offered to pay them money to write favorable blogs about their client.  This is an elementary-level no-no that is taught in journalism and public relations schools throughout…

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If you’ve been following our blog for a while, you know that we often discuss the impact and benefits of being a thought leader. In our business, thought leaders carry the message, elevate and create visibility for the brand and, hopefully, shape or re-shape attitudes and views. If you know Randstad Technologies you probably know…

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I recently returned from a week’s stay in Paris, where I hadn’t been for 10 years. It’s one of my favorite cities, but in my usual quest to find traditional French fare, this time I found mostly international cuisine – particularly Italian. I couldn’t go any place without running into at least two Italian restaurants,…

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