One year into the Biden administration, our political landscape continues to be in flux. Supreme Court Justice Breyer’s resignation, upcoming midterm elections, and the ongoing pandemic are changing the playing field and shaping policy priorities. How can public affairs help companies navigate these shifting legislative priorities? To answer that and other questions, we sat down…

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If you had $300 to give to any charity this season, which one would you choose? For the second year in a row, we asked RH Strategic staff this question. Each staff member then selected an organization of their choice to receive $300 provided by the firm. Together, we donated more than $11,000 to charitable…

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Let’s face it: PR is a fast-paced, often stressful industry. When the expectation is that you’re always on, how do you make the time and mental space for relaxation, self-care, and healthy habits? As PR practitioners, we know how hard this can be, so we wanted to share some advice and mental health tips from…

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Debates surrounding improving our nation’s infrastructure have been at the forefront of news cycles since the beginning of summer. With over $1 trillion dollars in investment opportunities on the table, there has been significant opportunity to advance policy priorities and influence the future — if organizations act strategically. The potential passage of the Infrastructure Investment…

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Everything’s online now — even finance. During the pandemic, businesses around the world had to switch to a digital-first model, and that’s especially true of the financial services industry. With that shift came the question: how to scale up services while ensuring the highest levels of cybersecurity? Our PR pros have been working in cybersecurity…

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