It’s time to step away from the countless social media webinars for a minute and face reality: professionals already know how to create a LinkedIn profile. They recognize what constitutes an appropriate headshot, and they understand the language to use when describing their experience and goals. So why does it seem like most resources only…

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With high-profile data breaches like Anthem and Sony occurring more frequently, the American public is increasingly anxious for a long-term solution against cybersecurity threats. People are no longer interested in hearing about how hacks happen; instead they want to understand what can be done to prevent them. Intel Security (formerly McAfee) was involved for more…

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Every day, more of what makes up our daily lives seems to be conducted online. Calendars, address books, notepads and other objects that were commonplace in the physical environment just 15 years ago increasingly exist only online, accessible via our mobile devices. Consumer preferences for mobile over physical transactions are also driving innovations like Apple…

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PR is already a fast paced business, but crisis PR operates at lightning speed. When a company’s reputation is on the line, its PR team must act fast to prevent damaging headlines. You may recall some of the headlines after the NFL was inconsistent in its management and communication of domestic violence incidences involving players:…

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